Shally over at Polished & Not Quite Put Together has tagged me in the Nail Polish Tag - Thank You !! :D Check out her blog if you haven't already :)

Answer the questions
Tag 5 other bloggers
Let the bloggers know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their page
1. How many nail polishes do you have?
Around 130ish, so not that many compared to some :P
2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
I like most brands of nail polish but I have more OPI, China Glaze and Color Club polishes in my stash.
3. Do you like crackle polish or do you hate it?
It depends, sometimes I really like it but other times I don't.
4. What was your first nail polish brand?
I honestly can't remember that it was years ago :P
5. If you are going to have a nail polish line, what are you going to name it?
I have no idea, I've never even thought about starting my own nail polish line.
6. What nail polish colours do not compliment you?
Really dark/blackened colours because I'm so pale. Colours like purple or red that are almost black with just a hint of colour.
7.What nail polish colours do compliment you?
Pastel colours. Both warm and cold toned polishes. Most colours really as long as they're not overally dark.
8. Name two of your best nail art friends?
There are two girls at Uni that I talk to lots about nail art and just nail stuff in general so I'd say them :) I'm not going to name them though :P
9. What was the best nail polish gift you ever received?
Secret Santa last year !! I got some awesome polishes in that package.
10. make a speech thanking the blogger who gave you this tag?
I already have at the top :)
11.What is your second favorite nail polish company?
I couldn't possibly pick favorites.
12. Glitter or no glitter?
Glitter. I LOVE glitter !!
13. OPI, China Glaze or Essie?
I have some of all 3, they're all great polishes :)
14. When do you change your nail polish?
Every couple of days as I get bored it quickly :p
15. What's your favorite colour on your nails?
16. Darks or brights?
Both, depends on what mood I'm in.
17. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment?
OPI Guy Meets Gal-Veston with China Glaze Dynasty layered on top.
18. Matte nails -in or out?
In, I adore matte nails :)
19. French manicure?
I don't really like traditional french manicures but for some occasions they are perfect.
20. Favorite winter colour?
Whatever I feel like wearing :P
Bloggers I tag:
Check out all the blogs posted above, they are awesome :)
In other news, I'm nearly at 100 followers!! Look out for my 100 follower giveaway real soon :D
And I'll be posting my Five Friday Favorites later on today so keep an eye out for that :)
Thanks for reading,
Charlotte xxx
Check out all the blogs posted above, they are awesome :)
In other news, I'm nearly at 100 followers!! Look out for my 100 follower giveaway real soon :D
And I'll be posting my Five Friday Favorites later on today so keep an eye out for that :)
Thanks for reading,
Charlotte xxx
Thanks love :) x